In order to assist with the allocation of land for housing and employment and to meet the requirements of paragraph 112 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), Maidstone Borough Council needed to assess the impact on “best and most versatile land” of a number of potential development sites that were being promoted for inclusion in the local plan.
Having successfully demonstrated our considerable expertise and experience in this type of work, Land Research Associates was awarded the contract to survey 65 potential development sites across 19 parishes within the borough. The work involved:
LRA’s in-house MapInfo GIS capability not only ensured that high quality maps were produced for the project but also facilitated electronic exchange with the Council’s own GIS. The project was delivered to time and budget.
LRA are experts in agricultural land classification. If you have a similar project you wish to discuss, or have a related enquiry, please contact Mike Palmer on +44 (0)1509 670570 or